Since I've had a terrible cold the last days and spent all days in bed and don't have an Internet connection, I've had too much time to spend on watching tv.
Now I thought swedish television wasn't very good, but compared to japanese, it's outstanding actually.
'But that's just because you don't understand much japanese at all' one might say.
Well of course, to a certain extent, it's true, I might not be totally correct with this report, but usually it's quite easy anyway to figure out what kind of a tv-show it is.
From my research, there are three main categories which you always seem to run into if you browse through the channels.
The most common are japanese entertainment shows, and they are all about quick entertainment and quick laughs.
Something 'funny' takes place, for example someone is supposed to run 3 laps around the studio accompanied by some cute pop music, and a screaming commentator. Afterwards there's always a bunch of people making comments for a good while about what just happens.
In my opinion, funny entertainment for 3-4 minutes or so, then it gets boring.
Secondly most common are commercials. It just never ends. Which actually is not too different from the entertainment shows.
Usually, something is funny and there's some happy pop music and some male voice screaming or very cute female voice speaking and then a company logo. Other common commercials are women's clothes, food stores and fast food.
One commercial I actually found kind of funny (it wasn't supposed to be funny though) was for dog's clothes. Not some kind of lame blankets, oh no, this was only designed fashion clothes, and it just went on and on for 15-20 minutes or so. Jeans, shirts, socks, you name it. Of course, everything accompanied by cute music and a cute woman's voice and another cute woman caressing the dogs. There even was a punk style dress that covered the entire dog with black leaher with just two holes for the eyes (hopefully some kind of opening in the back also, I didn't notice).
Thirdly is what I'd call the food porn. Some people, more commonly women than men, try different kinds of food, the camera zooms in to an extreme close up of the piece of meat (or whatever they're going to eat) when it's picked up by the chop sticks and put in the mouth, followed by the person eating exclaiming 'oishii!!' (delicious!) while still chewing the piece of food. Also, I have seen eating contests a couple of times. Of some reason the competitors are always slim, cute women, which really makes me wonder how they manage to eat so much. I have no idea if it was faked, but one of them had 60 pieces of sushi without any problem. In another contests, the poor women had 8 big bowls of ramen noodle soup each.
The food porn is often found in the commercial breaks also.
So far, I've managed to see three tv programs that actually seemed to be quite serious.
First one was the news, second one was the weather forecast which followed the news. This was actually more serious and detailed than the weather forecasts in Sweden, and swedish people are known for taking weather forecasts seriously.
Thirdly, I finally found something that actually seemed like a serious documentary.
I had no idea what it really was about though.