Went there the weekend before the last one for Swedish midsummer celebrations, it was a very surrealistic experiences for sure.. Not only because it was one week too early, but because here in Japan I run into the most traditional midsummer celebrations I have ever taken part in.
Firstly, it is kind of chocking for a Swede to arrive at a place on the Japanese countryside which is a more or less exact copy of the Swedish countryside; Swedish houses with Swedish flags (some Japanese flags also, but from what I can recall they were in minority), just mostly the cars in front of the houses were Japanese brands instead of Volvo.
Secondly, for young people from Stockholm (probably most young people in the rest of Sweden also), the Swedish midsummer mostly means eating lots and lots of food and drinking too much beer and Swedish style schnapps and then it all ends in a big fog of drunkenness.
The Japanese people however, were taking their midsommar celebrations a bit more serious than that. Many of them wearing the traditional Swedish folk costumes, they had raised the maypole, and of course learned all the traditional Swedish midsommar dances, including 'the small frogs'. They had even made some folk musicians from Dalarna (province in countryside Sweden) come and play the midsommar songs. Other than that, we were only a few Swedes there.
I was mostly sitting in amazement, laughing and watching the activities going on. Also, I'm very happy I could buy some proper rye bread (which I of course finished in a couple of days). The white bread you find everywhere in Japan is just terrible for us Swedes.
Of course, I forgot to bring my camera, but at least took a few photos with my mobile phone camera, not too bad quality eh?

Japanese people wearing Swedish folk costume.

Swedish maypole.

My girlfriend and one of the hundreds of Swedish houses.
Update: If you want more info about Sweden hills, visit their website at http://www.swedenhills.com. It's only in Japanese though.
Wow... jag finner inga ord. Hur är detta möjligt? Japaner... som firar midsommar... och bor i röda hus med vita knutar.
Scary shit
Fyfan vad coolt!
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